Thursday, December 17

i'm not good with goodbyes so let's just not say it...
this will be the last post from Pak Sako
after a few good runs....

ambek berkat esok tahun baru kalendar Hijrah,
so aku pun akan berhijrah ke blog baru lepas nie....
da x relevant lai utk aku menceritakan psl KGV
coz aku pun da jd ex-georgian....
lepas nie sape yang berani menyuarakan pendapat gunakanlah peluang nie slps
aku mengundurkan dr nama pena Pak Sako...

silap dan salah harap diampunkan...
semua yang baik dtg dari Allah dan semua yang buruk
adlh dari kelemahan aku sendiri....


Veni, Vidi, Vici

Boredom n Bengang....

hi guys....
baru balik dari hantar buku kat skola td...
saje je dtg lambat bcoz x ramai org dat tyme ....
jumpe la jugak a few of my friends,
tp terpakse balik awal bcoz tertinggal buku KONSERTO TERAKHIR....
but then again da balek maleh nak klua....

smlm klua ngan ayie, acap, alip, izyan n nad....
pegi job-hunting....
acap supposedly da dapat kat Manhattan Fish Market tp
de pay x best n work hour yang agak mengancam....HAHA
then aku ngan alip pegi Pizza Hut minx keje,
siap tipu work exp. lai....
blasah ckap aku penah jadi waiter 2 bulan part-time...=)

then jalan2 lai sampai la ke petang....
balik umah je kepala da bengang x cukup tidor malam td da kick in....
blm sempat nak lelap bang uzir kol ajak klua...
klua lai aku....siap pegi check tiket wayang cte AVATAR....
cte xde tyme laen selain pukul 11.10....

walhal bdan da letih nak mampus nie tp dxebabkan xte AVATAR klua gak...
sumpah GSC da jauh ditinggalkan...
aku tgk ader la dalam 20 org tgk cte tue mlm td...
menarik gler cte tue...rugi la sesape yang x tgk lai....
the next best thing from James Cameroon afta Titanic....
CGI yang melampau best n scene2 perang yang bersemangat....
x rugi RM9 aku....bole la carik DVDRiP kat lps nie....
star 9/10...
P/S: cte nie aku rase ptt rated 17 and above la bkn PG13, byk obscene scene pompuan boleng...

k la guys...adieu....

Monday, December 14


yesterday when to Slim River for my cousin's
akad nikah and bersanding...
rekod bai, most of my cousin all when
through without retake...
skali je bai, satu nafas...HAHA

License lak ntah bile la aku nak wat exam...
COTT asyik2 x update lai server....
TMNut ke korunk gune, hampeh gle....
kalo camne berkurun la aku nak tunggu dapat lesen....

Malaysia versus Laos ends with another victory
for our national team...
They are on hot streak and will be
going against Vietnam in the final...
Malaysia won with 3 goals to 1....
Go Malaysia, Go

Pagi tadi ingat klua ngan alip g carik keje
but then again mak dier lak ade meeting ....
last2 aku g tgk Ninja Assassin sesorang....
cte dier x de la best sgt, kalo suke action mmg byk la kaki2 ninja putus,
kepala melayang n badan terbelah dua di buatnye....
Star 4/10....

td baru balik dr Parkson tunggu kak Hazami....
then g makan Prosperity at McD...
byk gle dier ltk black pepper kat burger aku...
panas gle tekak dibuatnye....
then chow balik and now here i am blogging bout it...

Alryte folks, till next tyme...Adieu...

Saturday, December 12

2nd Airwave

morning guys....
still pagi walaupun matahari da mencanak tinggi...
but dats standard for us happy campers
cuti skola biological clock da bertukar 360 darjah...

anyway semalam aku wat hal gile,
klua malam kul 1 lebey pagi tapi pintu rumah x tutup....
bapak berserah habes aku....
nafsu nak kluar pegi minum dan melepak agak tinggi tyme tue...
mungkinkah akan berlaku skali lai,
x tau lai , we just wait n see...

crite laen lak...
adek aku ntah macam mane gaya dier swimming bole
tercabut kuku....=)
giler barai nak mampus aku bantai tergelak je bile dier balik
tue la next tyme g swimming ajak la aku skali....
kan da tercabut kuku....
malam tue jugak sepupu aku bwk g hospital...
straight g bilek bedah cabut kaki....



dapat bius setempat n the process pun start la....
then the guy ask nak bwk balik kuku x...
x terkata budak tue sakit sgt kowt....

well dats the end of another day for my hectic but
joyful life....
we prefer to learn from our mistakes than
other's experiance i guess...

Alrighty then...Enjoy life and adieu...

Friday, December 11

Cease to exist...

hye folks...

hectic life semalam....

i went to COTT(Crane Operators Testing & Training) driving school....

kene la duduk dgr ceramah lima jam yang

hampeh boringnye tahap nak tertidur aku....

the person in front of me da out sebelum kul 12 lai...

so folks, the moral of the story is to sit back and bring your

headphone next tyme you went for this ceramah.....

da la kene bangun awal gle pukul 7.30(tue kire awal la tyme cuti skola)

sampai kat sane jumpe la member georgian and ex-g alike....

byk gak yang mentaliti nak lesen cepat cam aku....

for instance ayie yang mmg tahap x sabar nak amek ujian comp. sok....

all the best dude....

for me, rilek la dulu amek exam this coming monday....

afta settle all the stuff kat cott
blk je umah, my cousin call ajak klua...

x sompek lai mandi straight klua blk.....

rumah nie da macam pitstop ntuk tuka baju je afta SPM....

p/s: sblm pegi mane2 driving school bawak la duit lebey give and take RM20
sbb maybe I.C korunk chip x leyh bace like mine la....


Wednesday, December 9


Ia dah bermula!!!!!

Sindrom yang bole membuatkan seseorang sakit jiwa....

Sindrom tak tau nak watpe????

atau name saintifiknya


Arghhhh, boring gler mmg aku tekad la pasnie
nak g keje memane


man, first thing i did when i got home was change my cloth and went out. haha

liberated!!!! FREEE!!

goodbye homeworks, goodbye sleepless nights...

goodbye THICK REFERENCE BOOKS! (i am sooo not gonna see you again)


of course, one downside to this whole end-of-school-life thing,

we'd most likely have to part with our be-loved friends once we get into college or uni or whatever.


i really hope more get-togethers are arranged,

k folks

gonna go watch my third movie now! hahaha