morning guys....
still pagi walaupun matahari da mencanak tinggi...
but dats standard for us happy campers
cuti skola biological clock da bertukar 360 darjah...
anyway semalam aku wat hal gile,
klua malam kul 1 lebey pagi tapi pintu rumah x tutup....
bapak berserah habes aku....
nafsu nak kluar pegi minum dan melepak agak tinggi tyme tue...
mungkinkah akan berlaku skali lai,
x tau lai , we just wait n see...
crite laen lak...
adek aku ntah macam mane gaya dier swimming bole
tercabut kuku....=)
giler barai nak mampus aku bantai tergelak je bile dier balik
tue la next tyme g swimming ajak la aku skali....
kan da tercabut kuku....
malam tue jugak sepupu aku bwk g hospital...
straight g bilek bedah cabut kaki....


dapat bius setempat n the process pun start la....
then the guy ask nak bwk balik kuku x...
x terkata budak tue sakit sgt kowt....
well dats the end of another day for my hectic but
joyful life....
we prefer to learn from our mistakes than
other's experiance i guess...
Alrighty then...Enjoy life and adieu...
valentines weekfunny messages for friends
roses day messages for boyfriend
images of happy rose day message for grilfriend