Friday, December 11

Cease to exist...

hye folks...

hectic life semalam....

i went to COTT(Crane Operators Testing & Training) driving school....

kene la duduk dgr ceramah lima jam yang

hampeh boringnye tahap nak tertidur aku....

the person in front of me da out sebelum kul 12 lai...

so folks, the moral of the story is to sit back and bring your

headphone next tyme you went for this ceramah.....

da la kene bangun awal gle pukul 7.30(tue kire awal la tyme cuti skola)

sampai kat sane jumpe la member georgian and ex-g alike....

byk gak yang mentaliti nak lesen cepat cam aku....

for instance ayie yang mmg tahap x sabar nak amek ujian comp. sok....

all the best dude....

for me, rilek la dulu amek exam this coming monday....

afta settle all the stuff kat cott
blk je umah, my cousin call ajak klua...

x sompek lai mandi straight klua blk.....

rumah nie da macam pitstop ntuk tuka baju je afta SPM....

p/s: sblm pegi mane2 driving school bawak la duit lebey give and take RM20
sbb maybe I.C korunk chip x leyh bace like mine la....



  1. shafara (Ŧ) said...
    boo ic rosak ;p
    Georgian Clan said...
    boo side parking failed...

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